Introducing a new standard for resolving lung physiology

Rich respiratory biomarker and diagnostic information in near-real-time from a single breath recording through N-Tidal

Trusted by Top Pharma companies globally

Unprecedented accuracy for detecting respiratory physiology through novel, validated digital biomarkers on a regulated platform

Relaxed breathing through the N-Tidal Handset (CE), containing our CO2 sensing technology

Automatic 4G data transfer.

Real-time digital biomarker generation on cloud

TidalSense AI engine

N-Tidal Diagnose
Class 2a EU MDR CE-marked diagnostic AI software

N-Tidal Capture
Class 1 CE-marked remote monitoring software

Turbocharge your clinical trials

Find the right patients with rapid, accurate, diagnostics

Underdiagnosis, misdiagnosis and late diagnosis of COPD with spirometry results in billions of wasted resource, larger sample sizes and longer time to reach sufficient power. Use N-Tidal Diagnose (CE) in your trials to screen patients in under 5 minutes. Unlike spirometry, N-Tidal Diagnose is specific, as it is able to detect the underlying airway remodelling that occurs in obstructive airway diseases.

Monitor patients on trials

N-Tidal Capture (CE) provides longitudinal monitoring of any patients with cardiorespiratory conditions using our obstructive airway biomarkers. Our trials dashboard enables adherence tracking and real-time data quality indicators.

Validated, regulated digital biomarkers for R&D New

Gain back-end access to all of our N-Tidal biomarkers (both regulated and R&D biomarkers) which power our clinical solutions along with our AI pipelines for clinical trials research. Integrating N-Tidal into trials will unlock new datastreams, including biomarkers relating to:

Partner with us to transform the respiratory care pathway

We're on a mission to transform respiratory pathways globally to drive efficiency, diagnose the undiagnosed, and push towards data-driven therapeutic management, ensuring patients are on the right treatments at an early stage to improve outcomes.

Support one of our programmes today

Clear the backlog campaign

UK programme designed to rapidly diagnose patients on waiting lists through rapid testing using N-Tidal Diagnose.

Improve access to triple therapy and biologics

UK programme designed to embed N-Tidal Diagnose within N-Tidal breathlessness pathways to screen for patients who are eligible for biologics or triple therapy.

Evidence generation

Support our worldwide evidence generation programme designed to grow our body of real-world evidence and develop new indications to launch on the N-Tidal platforms.

Contact us to learn more about our Pharma and CRO offerings, and to book a demo.